Another Type of Adoption: Embryo Adoption

Soon after I became an adoption blogger for over two years ago, I wrote blogs introducing three kinds of adoption—domestic infant adoption, adoption from the child welfare system, and international adoption. But now there is another kind of adoption: embryo adoption. “Embryo adoption” or “Embryo donation” is when a couple donates unused embryos that were created and frozen during infertility treatment to another couple. These embryos are transferred to the womb of the recipient mother. Technically this is not “adoption” at all in most states, since most states agree that the legal mother of a child is the mother … Continue reading

Preparing for Embryo Transfer

In vitro fertilization involves implanting fertilized embryos in the uterus in order to achieve pregnancy. When the eggs are ripened, an egg retrieval procedure is done to remove them. After the eggs are fertilized and begin to grow into embryos, the embryo transfer procedure is done. If donor eggs or frozen embryos are used, the woman’s cycle must be prepared for implantation, just as would naturally happen during a menstrual cycle. Depending on the health and infertility history of the woman, either the natural cycle will be followed or estrogen and progesterone will be given. This is a relatively simple … Continue reading

Preparing for Egg Retrieval Procedure

Egg retrieval is an integral part of the IVF cycle. Throughout the first half of the cycle, you will take fertility drugs to stimulate the development of several eggs. There are a few different injectable medications on the market that are used for this purpose. Your doctor will determine the most effective drug for you. As the eggs are developing, you will be monitored by transvaginal ultrasound and blood work to track your hormone levels. When the eggs are ripened, the egg retrieval procedure will be scheduled. The retrieval generally takes place in the infertility clinic. The procedure is known … Continue reading

Clinical Pregnancy Less Likely When Dad is Overweight

There is a very interesting article in the news today. There was a study done recently that shows that couples who are using IVF to conceive are less likely to get pregnant if the dad is overweight. According to the study, which was done by Dr. Zaher Merhi of Albert Einstein College of Medicine and Montefiore Medical Center in New York City, for every increase of 5 in the dad’s BMI, the couple’s chances of getting pregnant decrease by a whopping 28%. That’s quite the difference! The study accounted for a multitude of factors and was extremely comprehensive. There were … Continue reading

IVF Gone Wrong

Did you catch Meredith Vieira’s interview with Carolyn and Sean Savage on the Today show yesterday? The couple are parents to three other children, and have had multiple difficulties with conception and pregnancy. With five remaining embryos, they implanted one in the hopes of conceiving a fourth child. When the doctor called, they received the best and the worst news, all rolled into one. Carolyn was pregnant, but the doctors had made a terrible mistake. They implanted the wrong embryo and Carolyn was forced to make a heart wrenching decision. She could either terminate the pregnancy or carry it to … Continue reading